Webinar | Hyper Ledger Fabric and Enterprise Ready Blockchain

As an introduction to IBM’s Blockchain capability, this webinar is designed to discuss the need for Blockchain technology in our modern world. This webinar will cover the IBM Blockchain Platform, Hyper Ledger Fabric an open source framework, created through collaboration of 400+ developers, which has become the standard for enterprise Blockchain platforms.

PAINLESS Summer School Sponsored by IEEE ComSoc

PAINLESS Summer school 2020 is a two days online school open to all the researches in the field of energy efficiency and machine learning for wireless networks. It aims to provide technical training on energy efficiency and machine learning for wireless networks, followed by communication and engagement training.

IEEE International Conference on Communications (online)

With a theme of 'Communications Enabling Shared Understanding', this flagship conference of the IEEE Communications Society is designed to further career opportunities and the in-depth understanding of the latest communications advancements worldwide.

Cyber Science 2020 (online)

Cyber Science 2020 is an IEEE sponsored event, in partnership with the Dublin City University, Ireland. The event comprises four joint and co-located internationally refereed conferences, namely: Cyber Situational Awareness (CyberSA), Social Media, Cyber Security and Cyber Incident. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this event will now be held online.

Webinar – Humanitarian Technologies Lecture Series: IEEE Ethics and COVID-19 related Initiatives

The Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technologies (SIGHT) in the UK & Ireland Section is pleased to announce a series of online lectures in connection with the Covid-19 related technologies. These are being organised in collaboration with the Technology Ethics SIG and the SMC Chapters. The first lecture in this series is IEEE Ethics and COVID-19 related Initiatives.

IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME – online)

The IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) is the flagship multimedia conference sponsored by four IEEE societies and aims at promoting exchange of the latest advances in multimedia technologies, systems, and applications from both the research and development perspectives of the circuits and systems, communications, computer, and signal processing communities.

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