Power and Energy Chapter Webinar | From Academia to Industry – A Conversation With Ian Wilkinson From Siemens Energy

Ian Wilkinson will talk about his experiences and insights on his career path from academia to industry in the UK and what it means to work during and towards the energy transition. The talk will be followed by a Q&A and a discussion on how current graduate and postgraduate students and other early-career engineers or researchers can be part of that transition..

IEEE Cyber Security Webinar | End-to-End Security for the IoT

In this webinar, we will discuss how having a single party take responsibility for the end-to-end security of an IoT device, from manufacture to life-cycle management, protects against security threats resulting from the fragmentation of the IoT space.

5th IEEE UK & Ireland RAS Conference | Disruptive Technologies for the New Normal

University of Edinburgh John McIntyre Conference Centre, Pollock Halls, 18 Holyrood Park Road, Edinburgh

Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS) are playing a central role in developing innovative tools that help us address various global challenges. Now, we cordially invite universities and industry interested in RAS to attend the conference and share your expertise and promote the development of RAS.

Nanotechnology Chapter Webinar | Watching Single Enzymes at Work

This talk introduces an approach that traps single unmodified proteins from a solution in a plasmonic hotspot and makes it possible to assign changes in the local refractive index to changes in protein conformation while monitoring these changes for minutes to hours with a temporal resolution at least as fast as 40 microseconds.

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