Nanotechnology Council Chapter2024-05-26T10:24:50+01:00

Nanotechnology Council Chapter

Welcome to the IEEE UK and Ireland Nanotechnology Council Chapter.

The UK and Ireland Nanotechnology Chapter is a sub-chapter of the IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC), which is a multi-disciplinary group whose purpose is to advance and coordinate work in the field of Nanotechnology carried out throughout the IEEE in scientific, literary and educational areas. The Council supports the theory, design, and development of nanotechnology and its scientific, engineering, and industrial applications.

The UK and Ireland are home to numerous world-renowned academic research institutions active in nanotechnology, as well as market-leading nanotechnology companies. The region is one of the top regions for the development of this technology. Currently, the UK is spending around 1.67% of GDP on research and design into nanotechnology, and over 101 companies are operating in the UK nanotechnology market.

The country has 4,252 nanotechnology researchers per million people, placing them 12th in the world. At the same time, 13.56 is the average number of times nano-articles from UK teams published within the past five years have been cited in the Journal Citation Reports, placing them 7th in the world [Nanotechnology in the United Kingdom Market Report, AZONANO, 2020].

We promote and co-operate in the educational and technical activities relevant to Nanotechnology across the UK and Ireland.

Chapter Committee

Dr Lei Xu
Dr Lei XuChapter Chair

Upcoming Events

Past Events

Check out the Chapter’s past events.

1007, 2022

Watch Again | IEEE Nanotechnology Seminar (Hybrid) – Electron Transport in Discontinuous Metal Thin Films by Emeritus Prof James E Morris

Prof Jim Morris, the past president of IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) visited the UK and Ireland Section, currently hosted by Nottingham Trent University (NTU), on 29 June 2022.  

2811, 2021

Watch Again | IEEE Nanotechnology Chapter Distinguished Lecture – Nanoplasmonics: Reaching Out to the Single Molecule

Arthur Ashkin was co-recipient of the Nobel prize in 2018 for his work on optical tweezers, however, those conventional optical tweezers are limited to objects that are 100 nm in size. This talk reviews work on nanoaperture optical tweezers that can trap particles down to the single digit nanometer size, including proteins.

1408, 2021

Launch Announcement | IEEE Nanotechnology Council Chapter Formed in the UK and Ireland Section

IEEE UK and Ireland Section is pleased to announce the formation of IEEE nanotechnology chapter. The chapter is developing an exciting events programme and is keen to build its membership. All interested members are to get in touch. 

Past Chairs

Prof Mohsen Rahmani
Prof Mohsen Rahmani2022-2023
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