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IEEE World Forum in IoT 2023 | Women in Engineering Forum Collaboration

The field of engineering, like many others, has historically been male-dominated, with women facing different barriers and under-representation. In recent years, however, efforts have been made to encourage and support girls and women in pursuing their interests in engineering. The active participation of women is essential for driving innovation, advancing technology, and creating a more inclusive and diverse engineering community.

The IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is a global network of IEEE members and volunteers dedicated to promoting women’s involvement and leadership in engineering and science, and inspiring girls around the world to follow their academic interests in a career in STEM. One of their notable initiatives is their involvement in the IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things (IEEE WFIoT).

In this year’s 9th edition, the IEEE WFIoT2023 is featuring a dedicated program organised by the WIE Affinity Groups from both the Portugal Section and the UK and Ireland Section, and women in IoT forum.

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