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IEEE UK and Ireland WIE | Women in Smart Cities Event at IEEE ISC2 2023 – Empowering Communities to Create Inclusive Smart Cities

The smart city concept has gained significant importance in today’s rapidly evolving world. These cities leverage technology and innovation to enhance the quality of life for their residents. However, it is crucial to ensure that the benefits of smart cities are accessible to everyone and that no one is left behind.

This session aims to discuss the obstacles that communities face in addition to the opportunities that knowledge transfer through digital tools. The workshop will delve into the ways in which ground-breaking initiatives centred around Nexus disciplines can influence and enhance the involvement of communities in smart city development, fostering active participation and inclusive decision-making processes.

The session will explore the role of women in shaping inclusive smart cities and how we can empower individuals to actively participate in the decision-making processes.  The event will also host a women empowerment panel discussion on “Women’s Role in Shaping Inclusive Smart Cities.”

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