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2024 Birmingham Decarbonisation Summer School | Accelerating Energy Transition towards Net-Zero

The IEEE UK and Ireland Power and Energy Society Chapter and University of Birmingham IEEE Student Branch are supporting the Birmingham Decarbonisation Summer School.  This is a five-day event that will bring doctoral and postdoctoral researchers together to propose a technical solution and business model for a decarbonisation challenge. Accepted applicants will be pooled into interdisciplinary teams of up to 5 members each and will compete by pitching their proposal to a judging panel by the end of the summer school. The winning team will receive a lot of kudos and a £500 prize to be split amongst the team members (up to £100 per person, this may take the form of vouchers).

This summer school will focus on decarbonising a HVAC transmission line in the UK. We are partnering with SSEN, one of the leading Transmission System Operators in the UK, who will present the challenge and put you in the seat of a consultant engineer for the week. There will be plenty of technical talks by industry experts and academics to better familiarise attendees with the Energy Transition challenges towards Net-Zero. A site visit to Birmingham Energy Innovation Centre in Tyseley Energy Park will demonstrate the latest Net-Zero solutions. An early career forum will be hosted and opportunities and challenges of finding a job and working in Net-Zero industry companies will be discussed by panellists. Lastly, diverse lunch throughout the week and two social events in the first two evenings are provided to ensure a fun week for all!

Grab this great opportunity to join this summer school to:

  • Know what the real challenges of the Energy Transition towards Net-Zero are
  • Meet the World-Class experts in Net-Zero from industry and academia
  • Learn about job opportunities and career development
  • Work together with other researchers on a real-world Net-Zero challenge!
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