Section News

Election of United Kingdom and Ireland Vice-Chair (2024-2025), Chair (2026-2027)

IEEE UK and Ireland SectionNotice is hereby given that since no valid petitions have been received, and following the approval of the United Kingdom & Ireland Section ExCom pursuant to a recommendation of candidates by the Nominations and Appointments Committee, the following is the final slate of candidates for election to the position of UK & Ireland Section Vice-Chair (1 January 2024 to 31 December 2025), and to serve as Chair (1 January 2026 to 31 December 2027).

Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by last name:

  • Eduardo Audiche
  • Richard Pitwon
  • Nagham Saeed

The election will be conducted online beginning on 27 November and closing at 5pm on 11 December 2023.    Further details will be advised in due course.


Mike Hinchey
Chair, IEEE UK & Ireland Section Nominations & Appointments Committee