Section News

Power and Energy Society Wins High Performing Award

IEEE UK and Ireland Power and Energy Society Chapter ranked first in Region 8 IEEE PES High Performing Chapter Program for the activities carried out in 2019.

Power and Energy Society

US$ 880.00 fund has been awarded to the Chapter as an encouragement towards their future work, as well as an important recognition for their continued effort in providing better services to the members and public, particularly, young people in universities and workplaces.

This recognition exceeds the award received in 2019 for the activities carried out in 2018 (US$ 750.00) and represents an even higher commitment in providing PES members as many benefits as possible.

IEEE UK and Ireland PES Chapter has been committed to organising a series of technical and professional events to provide its members a platform for presenting new ideas, and engaging in networking activities. The PES Chapter has also continued initiatives taken in past few years in encouraging existing members who may be eligible for Senior Member grade. These efforts have been successful in the year 2018.

IEEE UK and Ireland PES Chapter has also applied for the IEEE PES Outstanding Chapter Award (OCA) 2019 and keenly await the outcome!

The Section sends its congratulations to all involved in this tremendous feat.