Section News

Awards | Power and Energy Chapter Announces 2022 Volunteer Awards

The IEEE UK and Ireland Power and Energy Society Chapter announces its 2022 volunteer awards at its recent Annual General Meeting held at the University of Sheffield.

Miss Rosa Serrano, IEEE Student Member and the communication officer of IEEE PES UK&I Section, was the 2022 recipient of the IEEE PES Outstanding Chapter Volunteer Award (OCVA). This award was initiated by Chapter Leadership and approved in 2015 by the PES Executive Board.

Miss Rosa Serrano is a PhD candidate at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Manchester, UK. She is currently working on developing tools t to improve the resilience of power systems against wildfires. Rosa obtained the title of civil engineer of industries and the MSc in engineering at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Her detailed profile can be found here:

Additionally, Rosa is the IEEE PES Women in Power UK & Ireland Vice Chair from 2022 to 2023, and will contribute to IEEE PES UK&I Section by taking the role of Treasurer.

The IEEE UK and Ireland PES Chapter congratulates and thanks Miss Rosa Serrano for all her dedication and valuable support over the years.

Details of the award can be found here:

Rosa Serrano, Outstanding Chapter Volunteer Award 2022

Dr Francisco Gonzalez-Longatt, IEEE Senior Member and Associate Professor at the University of Exeter as well as the leader and founder of the Digital Energy Systems Laboratory (DIgEnSys-Lab) has been awarded the 2022 IEEE PES Outstanding Engineer Award. This award was established in 1994 by the PES Executive Board to recognise outstanding technical, professional and society contributions on behalf of the power engineer profession.

The IEEE UK and Ireland PES Chapter is honoured to have Dr Francisco Gonzalez-Longatt as a member and wants to express its warmest congratulations on this achievement and well-deserved success.

Dr Gonzalez-Longatt is currently an Associate Professor in Electrical Energy Systems at the University of Exeter, and a Full Professor of electrical power engineering with the Institutt for elektro, IT og kybernetikk, Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge, Norway. Francisco has prolific research productivity including several industrial research projects and consultancy worldwide. Also, he is the author or editor of several books (Spanish and English).

His research interest includes innovative (operation/control) schemes to soptimise the performance of future energy systems. He is a member of The Institution of Engineering and Technology–IET (UK) and the International Council on Large Electric Systems–CIGREHe received the professional recognition as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) in January 2014. In addition, Francisco is an associate editor in several journals with an impressive track record in scientific publications. He is the Vice-President of Venezuelan Wind Energy Association. Finally, he is the founder and leader of the Digital Energy Systems Laboratory (DIgEnSys-Lab) link:

Detailed profile of can be found here:

Details of this award can be found here:

Francisco Gonzalez-Longatt, Outstanding Engineer Award 2022

The Sections sends its congratulations to both Rosa and Francisco for their respective awards!